Paroles Karaoke: The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations.kar

Karaoke Music / Chansons English-5 / The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

I love the colorful clothes she wears,
And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair,

I hear the sound of a gentle word,
On the wind that lifts her
perfume through the air

I'm picking up good vibrations,
she's giving me excitations

I'm picking up good vibrations,
she's giving me excitations

I'm picking up good vibrations,
she's giving me excitations

I'm picking up good vibrations,
she's giving me excitations

Close my eyes,
She's somehow closer now,
Softly smile,

I know she must be kind,
Then I look in her eyes,
She goes with me to a blossom world

I'm picking up good vibrations,
she's giving me excitations

I'm picking up good vibrations,
she's giving me excitations

I'm picking up good vibrations,
she's giving me excitations

I'm picking up good vibrations,
she's giving me excitations

Close my eyes,
She's somehow closer now,
Softly smile,

I know she must be kind,

I've got good vibrations,
she's giving me excitations

I've got good vibrations,
she's giving me excitations

do, do, do, do ,do, do, do, do,
do, do, do, do ,do, do, do, do,
do, do, do, do ,do, do, do, do,

do, do, do, do ,do, do, do, do,